Questions about our trial period?

Free calling with Rinkel, how does that work? Find a comprehensive answer here!

  • try Rinkel for free
  • no fine print
  • no automatic renewal
Alwin van Rinkel telefoneert casually en steekt zijn vinger omhoog met een glimlach. Met roze-gele gradient

Answers to your questions

During the trial period, you will receive a random 085 test number from us. This number is directly reachable via the 06 number you provided when you started your trial period. However, during the trial period, you cannot make outgoing calls with this fixed number.

If you switch to a paid subscription after the trial period, you can choose a new number (regional, international, or an 085/088 number) or port an existing number to us.

No, you cannot link your number with WhatsApp Business during your trial period. This will be possible when you switch to a paid plan.

During your trial you have access to an Expert subscription with three users. This means you can invite 2 other colleagues to receive calls with and to try out all the features together.

What is not possible during the trial period?

  • Link your testnumber with WhatsApp Business
  • Make outbound calls during your trial period

When you login to My Rinkel, you will see the option 'Upgrade now' in very large print on the top left. This will take you to the upgrade process. After successfully upgrading, WhatsApp Business and outgoing calls will be unlocked immediately.

The Rinkel trial period lasts 21 days.

Are all your questions answered?

Then start your free trial today and start calling immediately! Test all functions and possibilities and set up your account the way you want.

  • test together with your colleagues
  • all features included
  • make calls via the app or Webphone