Results from the first Rinkel Hackathon!

Rinkel collega Jesper
Jesper Paardekooper
update: 29 November 2017

On the weekend of 25 and 26 November 2017, the first Rinkel hackathon was a reality! For a weekend, our team locked themselves away in a cottage and worked diligently on improvements for My Rinkel!


Team A: Dennis & Jesper

The aim of this team was to implement our customers' most requested features, namely:

  • Being able to set multiple time slots per day in opening hours;
  • Being able to turn on/off phone numbers at call forwarding settings and improve ease of use.

Business hours

In the old situation, you could only select 1 time block per day (e.g. 09:00 to 17:00). However, some of our customers are closed during lunch or they have different opening hours. For example, a taxi company open from 09:00 to 17:00 and then again from 22:00 to 03:00 for the night shift.

The interface could also be a bit confusing if you wanted to set your company to be closed for an entire day. In that case, you had to set 00:00 as both start time and end time. Not very convenient!

In the new version, you can set multiple time slots per day. Are you closed for lunch? Then add 2 time slots: from 09:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 17:00. Are you closed all day? Then you can now indicate that at the push of a button! Are you available 24 hours a day on some days? You can now easily set that too with the new "24 hours" option.


MacBook pro met Mijn Rinkel open

Call forwarding improvements

In the old situation, you could enter up to 5 phone numbers and it was very cumbersome to change the order of the phone numbers. We've made major changes to the screen, which means you can now do the following:

  • Turn numbers on and off. You can have up to 5 active numbers, but inactive phone numbers just stay on!
  • Easily change the order of phone numbers!
  • Easily add and/or remove phone numbers!
Screenshot van de Mijn Rinkel omgeving

Both changes are available immediately in My Rinkel at no extra cost!


Team B: Mike & Jeroen

Mike and Jeroen have been working on a new knowledge base that will soon be available on our website. In this knowledge base, new and existing customers will be able to find a wealth of information on topics including:

  • Administrative questions;
  • View useful tips and examples for the many features, such as: call forwarding, the queue, opening hours etc;
  • Easy search on many questions.

During the hackathon, Mike and Jeroen laid the technical foundation for the knowledge base and have already started working on the content. Currently, we are all still busy filling the knowledge base with clear texts and videos.

Rinkel's goal is, of course, to offer the most accessible telephony solution possible, where everyone is in control of their accessibility. With the new knowledge base, we hope to explain the possibilities of Rinkel even more clearly!

Keep an eye on our questions page for this new update!

Do you also have ideas to make Rinkel even better? Then contact us and maybe next year we will lock ourselves away for another weekend to add your favourite feature!