Meet the team: Raquel Fernández

Jolijn Buitelaar
update: 12 December 2023

Welcome to our exciting series "Meet the Team" at Rinkel, where each new addition becomes a fascinating story!

In this edition, we introduce you to: Raquel Fernández, our talented software programmer. Hailing from Andalusia, Raquel took her passion for programming to Germany before returning to Spain, but this time with a twist: she now works for the Netherlands at the heart of Rinkel.

Join us as we explore her journey from southern Spain to the world of technology in Europe and discover how she contributes to Rinkel's success with her unique expertise.

Keep reading to learn more!

What is it exactly you do at Rinkel?
Well, I started working on creating new features for the Webphone together with Andrey, but right now we are working in the new redesign of the web which is really exciting and will be amazing!

What is the first thing people think when they hear your name?
I have no idea, but I hope everyone can think of someone nice with the same name! Sometimes, when a non-Spanish speaker can't pronounce my name correctly, I translate it to 'Rachel' so it's easier. I guess, the most famous Rachel we all know is the one in Friends, a Show that I love and recommend!

Do you have a nickname in the office?
Apparently, I have the nickname 'conguito' now. Conguito is a famous chocolate sweet in Spain, but it was also the name of a black cat I had when I was younger. I was in love with that cat, and I used to use his name as a password. It's not a safe password, but I still use for test accounts or unimportant things.

What do you like most about working at Rinkel?
I love how everyone is included and how every opinion matters, no matter your expertise, cause at the end we all could be clients!

I was amazed by how heard I felt since my very first day, I was already contributing to Rinkel with my ideas! I think this is key to feel as part of the product and to want to go above and beyond.

Also, I love that the CEO and CTO are developers themselves and give a lot of importance to making things good rather than fast. It's so refreshing! It gives you time to learn and improve yourself and the product.

What do you like most about team Engineering?
I like that you always have someone to have your back and to help you when you need it. Also, you can learn a lot from your colleagues! It's much more fun too, and sometimes needed when working remotely!

Do you have a lifehack on how to stay focused?
What helps me the most is to have a routine. I like to grab a cup of coffee or tea, prepare my desk and get comfy. Normally then, I am ready to work without distractions.

For the days that this is not enough, I like to use the Pomodoro technique! Force yourself to work for only 25 minutes (you'll probably focus and do more than that anyway) and then you'll have a small break to stand up, pet your cats… And repeat!

If you have many things on your mind, write them on a list and 'book a time' later on your day to attend them.

Who inspires you?
If I have to choose one person, it's probably a cliché to say this but who inspires me daily is my husband! He knows to attach importance only to the things that really matter, and since I can easily make a mountain out of a molehill, he helps me a lot to get perspective every time and play down 'problems', which at the same time makes my life easier!

But also, I like to think I am open minded, and from time to time I like to reflect on what other people are doing, how they seem to think… no matter how different to me they are, just to consider if I could do better, and if not, what things I could learn from them…

What is your favourite quote?
I love this phrase:

Be the change you wish to see in the world

It's attributed to Gandhi, which I didn't know before this interview haha

It can have a spiritual meaning, but for me it is much more practical. In any case, it's about leading by example. Be friendly, don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you (oh, here is Confucius as well!), leave things/places how you would like to find them, don't support what is wrong…

What's your favorite office saying?
"We don't really need a meeting for that".

It's not something that you hear every day of course, we have meetings whenever we need to, but I really like that we avoid the unnecessary ones.

What is your archetype?
Raquel is 36% Intellectual. The Intellectual is the best guest at a dinner party. Thought-provoking questions and reflective debates are her hallmarks. She is also 32% Explorer. The Explorer is drawn to the unknown, whether it's a Himalayan peak or the road less traveled, and craves adventure. They take trips, not vacations. And last but not least, 32% Visionary. They refuse to conform to the status quo. The Visionary is interested in new ways of seeing, solutions yet to be imagined, and products yet to be built.

What's your favourite holiday destination?
I've been really lucky choosing vacation's destinations because until now, I've always loved where I've been and want to come back to all places!

So, I'll name the last place I've been to the date: Lanzarote, the island of the 1000 volcanoes! It's amazing how you can tell exactly what happened so many years ago just by the landscape. Also, the beaches are great, and the weather is nice all year around!

What's your favourite drink?
I stick to water at home, but when I go out, I like to drink Iced tea, or any fruity homemade lemonade!

In general, I don't like carbonated drinks, not even beer sorry!!

Also, orange margaritas' night is becoming a tradition with my friends when we have something to celebrate!

What do you like to do in your free time?
I love meeting with friends and doing sports like diving, climbing, trekking, swimming, netflixing… When I am not doing that, I am doing crafts of all types or puzzles, while listening to true crime.

Do you have a fun fact that you'd like to share?
I didn't always know I was gonna be a developer… In fact, I studied a degree to be an English teacher! It was a 5 years degree when I did it, and when I was finishing it, I realised I wasn't happy with my decision.

I was really afraid to change my path when what I needed was to stop studying and start working! But I did, I continued studying two more years, and it's the best I could have done because now I really am happy. So, if anyone ask me, it's never too late to change your path to do what you really want.