A landline number in a hybrid world

Rinkel collega Janine
Janine Wilbrink
update: 11 August 2022


Houston, we've landed. Welcome to the hybrid working world!


This new world is a world in which you decide where you work and when you work. A world with more freedom and flexibility. And a world where you spend less time in traffic and more time with your loved ones. Where you plan your work around important events and moments, instead of the other way around.

This is your new reality, especially as an entrepreneur or self-employed person.

You decide where you work and when. Don't feel like sitting in the office today? Then why don't you stay at home? Open your laptop on your desk or at the kitchen table and you can start.

But okay, although we naturally describe it as an ideal world, there are also other kinds of challenges. Think of (small) children, a non-ergonomic chair or no extra screens. Moreover; your business telephony must also be set up for this.

Because we know that business telephony is often an issue in a business. You are unfamiliar with the terms VoIP, Fixed on Mobile, Webphone and Call forwarding, you still have a long-term contract with your current provider, or you just don't know where to start.

That's why we're just going to lay it out out nicely it in this article. So you know where to start and what you want. A business telephony solution that works for you instead of the other way around.

Splitsing tussen kantoor en thuis bureau in het kader van hybride werken

The importance of good accessibility

As an entrepreneur, you don't want to have to think about your reachability or business telephony. You don't want the search for a telecom solution to take too long anyway.

And once it is set up, it should do what it is supposed to do. Indeed, this applies to everyone. Not just entrepreneurs. Think of the search for a new mobile subscription. That shouldn't take too long or be difficult either.

Reachability is now baked into it. If you want to reach customers or partners, you need telephony. If you want customers to be able to reach you easily, you also need telephony.

"Get them on the phone, it´s faster!"

- popular saying, and still true.

Although people nowadays often prefer to email or chat (to be honest, I belong to this group), calling is still faster. And so telephony is extremely important. It is also fast, personal and authentic. You can convey your emotions and explain what you mean more quickly and efficiently than with written words.


Anyway, the importance of telephony is clear. It builds trust with your customers (provided you have it set up properly). Both as a means for your customer service and for sales, for example.

How do you choose the right telephony solution?

Have you just started? Then business telephony is probably not on your agenda: your 06 number is still working fine. But eventually you´ll grow out of it.


Customers call you in the evening, you get the hint that private and business are starting to intertwine and you want to structure everything a bit more with a view to the future.

You are growing. So you have to start searching. The approach of your search is probably the same as when you are looking for a new provider for your 06 number. Cheap, fast, easy. Done with it. 

For a new mobile provider, you search once every 1 or 2 years for a provider that is cheaper than your current one. Or you take the offer that your current provider gives you. You don't even think about it, because it just works.

So although business telephony is of course a daily occurrence for us at Rinkel, we know that for our more than 10,000 calling entrepreneurs it is a side issue. Although it may seem as a peripheral matter, it is a reflection of your company.

In other words, it's important.

However, the options for business telephony are a bit more complicated than with your private 06.

You work hybrid: you are not in the same place every day, or you do not have a fixed workplace at all. A different desk for you every day. That makes the search for a business telephony solution slightly different from the 'standard' search.

No desk phone with a charging station or cables for you. That just doesn't work. So what options do you have?

  • A fixed to mobile integration: A fixed telephone number that is forwarded to your mobile number. That can also be used with multiple phone numbers or colleagues. The cheapest solution and that can also be linked to foreign numbers.
  • A second mobile phone: An extra phone especially for the business on which you receive all business calls. Often standard with a 06 number. Often an expensive purchase and/or expensive subscription costs. Also not very durable.
  • A second SIM card or eSIM: Depending on your phone, you may be able to purchase an additional SIM card. Not every mobile phone supports this.

Rinkeling all day long

Do you already know what to choose? A fixed-mobile integration is usually the best choice for you as an enthusiast of hybrid working. It is flexible, cheap and often arranged quickly.

With a fixed-mobile integration, such as the fixed-to-mobile solution from Rinkel, you get many extra functions with your subscription. (Did I mention you already have a subscription from €4.99 per month?!)

Think of functions such as:

  • A call menu
  • Opening hours
  • Queue
  • Business Voicemail
  • Calling from your computer
  • Integrations

And of course much more! You can easily switch your functions on or off: you are always in control of your business telephony.

Different opening hours today? Then you can easily adjust your opening hours. A temporary promotion? Then leave a temporary welcome message to announce it to your callers! Do you want to keep your hands free during your conversation? Then call via our Webphone!

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