Meet the team - Maria Bielsa

update: 19 September 2023

Meet Maria Bielsa, our Junior Marketer based in our Barcelona office! She's not only the fastest Spanish speaker you'll encounter but also a true Catalan from Tarragona. Being as she is, a good Spaniard, you can count on Maria to join you for a glass of red wine and, of course, delicious food.


Maria joined Team Rinkel in February 2023, and just a few weeks after her arrival, she was already actively involved in the Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona, marking an incredibly swift start to her journey here.


Read on to learn more about Maria and her role at Rinkel.

Tell us about your role at Rinkel
I hold the position of Junior Marketer for the Spanish market. My responsibilities include collaborating on marketing strategy implementation, content creation, managing social media, conducting market analysis, and supporting marketing campaigns. I work closely with my colleague Silvina, who leads marketing in Spain, as well as the rest of the marketing team in Rotterdam. Staying updated on the latest marketing trends and tools is crucial in my role.

What's the first thing that comes to people's minds when they hear your name?
Honestly, I'm not entirely sure, but given that most of my colleagues are not from Spain, they usually recognize me as "Maria the Catalan" due to the commonality of my name here!

Do you have a nickname at the office?
To my knowledge, I don't have one, but you never know... My colleague Anja often remarks that I speak very quickly, making it challenging for her to understand my Spanish. I wouldn't be surprised if a nickname related to that popped up. My friends from Oxford used to jokingly say that we Spaniards sound like "Speedy Gonzalez" when we speak, so perhaps that's it!

What do you appreciate most about the marketing team?
I appreciate the excellent communication within our marketing team, despite the fact that we work from different locations.
 always have insight into what my colleagues are working on, ensuring everything runs smoothly. Additionally, we often hold brainstorming meetings when new projects arise, and these sessions generate a wide range of creative ideas that constantly surprise and enlighten us.

What do you like most about team marketing?
I like that even though we all work from different places, communication is very good. I always know what my colleagues are working on and that makes everything go in sync.

In addition, when a new project arises, we propose "brainstorming" meetings and in these sessions all kinds of ideas appear and we a are always surprised and discover new things.

Any life hacks for staying focused?

To be honest, adapting to working from home three days a week initially posed a challenge for me in terms of staying focused and avoiding distractions.

Silvina, my colleague, suggested that I schedule my tasks by hours on my calendar, and it has worked wonders. Now, if I become too engrossed in a task, an alarm reminds me not to forget my other responsibilities for the day. I also employ breathing techniques and take short breaks to refresh my mind and maintain focus.

Who inspires you?
I've been fortunate to have many influential people in my life, particularly within my family. Unlike my siblings, who knew from a young age what they wanted to do, I was on a quest to find my path.

My parents always encouraged me to work during the summers while I was studying, instilling in me a strong work ethic. Their enthusiastic spirit led me on a journey to discover my place in the world.

What’s your favorite quote?
During my time in Oxford last year, I met an incredible family who embraced me as one of their own. I was going through a challenging period in my life, searching for direction, and my time in England was immensely helpful.

On my last day with them, they gifted me a painting with a quote I'll never forget.

If you get tired, learn to rest, not to quit.


What’s your favorite office saying?
"When do we eat?"
I'm only joking, but I do have a deep love for food.
Thinking about food definitely serves as a motivator for me while I'm working.

If you could be someone else for a day, who would it be and why?
I had never pondered this question before, but last year, I attended a Frida Kahlo exhibition in Barcelona, and it left a profound impression on me.

Her unique perspective on life made me reflect deeply. Despite enduring significant hardships, she maintained an optimistic outlook and found beauty in every situation.

What is your archetype?

Maria embodies nearly 50% Explorer characteristics, as she is drawn to the unknown and seeks adventure in uncharted territories. She also possesses 31% Rebel traits, not hesitating to challenge the status quo to make her point. Additionally, she carries 23% Intellectual traits, making her a captivating conversationalist known for her intriguing questions and thoughtful debates.

What’s your favorite holiday destination?
A few years ago, I had the pleasure of visiting Bali, Indonesia, and I found it to be an enchanting place.

Natural landscapes captivate me more than urban environments. Whether it's beaches, waterfalls, wildlife, or jungles, I couldn't ask for more. I thrive on exploring new destinations and immersing myself in diverse cultures, so I'm always excited to discover unique and surprising places.

What’s your favorite drink?

I don't have a single favorite drink. I appreciate a wide range of beverages, from a well-crafted coffee to a rich, flavorful red wine. I have a bit of a "geek" side when it comes to specialty coffee and wine with a designated origin.